Motueka Community Swimming Pool

Phone Sue

027 5443002


Welcome to the Motueka Swimming Pool Fundraising Site

2025 is approaching fast and the Motueka Aquatic Centre fundraising group would like to wish you all the best for the coming year.

This will be a big year for our committee and you will be seeing and hearing more from us as the new year progresses.

Our first fundraiser is being held at the All Cars Rally at Marchwood Park on Sunday 5th January 10 – 2pm.  We will be sizzling sausages, selling drinks and raffle tickets, amidst a lot of good cheer – you might even be asked for a couple of coins for our donation tin.  Come on down – the cars are amazing - we need your support to get our Aquatic Centre built as soon as possible.

This event will be followed by another sizzling of sausages at Mitre 10 Motueka on Saturday 25th January. Again – come along and have a sausage for brunch 😊

We have two fundraisers planned for February – watch this space.

If you have friends/family/groups that could make something for raffles or lend a hand raising funds please get in touch with me (Sue) on 0275443002 or text Linda 027 940 8882, Maree 027 528 9968 and Daryl 021 104 3599. The four of us are the “Small Events Group”.  There are much larger events planned by other members of our Motueka Aquatic Centre group.

We would like to extend our sincere thanks to Harris Farms (Christchurch), New World, Woolworths, Mitre 10 who are our local sponsors and to our hard working fundraising team.

Motueka Community Swimming Pool - July 2024

Another Big Tick In A Long Swim. A covered and heated aquatic centre for Motueka took a big step forward when Tasman District Council signed off the 2024-34 Long Term Plan. Top of the community facilities is the
Motueka Swimming Pool with $20m allocated. This follows a feasibility study completed in 2022 that showed this size complex is needed to service the growing Motueka and district community.
The new aquatic centre will include a lane pool, learn to swim/leisure pool, hydrotherapy pool, spa pool and toddler pool. These pools will make it a wonderful place for the whole community to exercise, rehabilitate, learn to swim, be sporty or just social. It will be a great place for kids any time of year.

The signing off on the LTP builds on the support of TDC Councillors who purchased land in King Edward St in 2023 for the pools and future recreational needs of Motueka. It also comes hot on the heels of news in May 2024 that the project received an injection of $400,000 from the Ngawatu Pool Users group who have seen that the Motueka project was the best way to meet the needs of the community they had served.
The TDC commitment comes with the requirement that $4.4m of the $20m is raised by the community. The Motueka Community Swimming Pool Committee has carefully looked after all the money raised over the last years and along with money earmarked from Lions, Lionesses and Rotary this gives a good start. A fundraising effort is being planned along with approaches to major external funders.

This is the largest project ever undertaken by TDC in Motueka. A joint Project Advisory Group is being established with TDC to oversee the planning and execution of this complex project that will serve our needs for years to come.


Land purchase progresses Motueka pool potential

Tasman District Council's recent purchase of land on King Edward Street is being welcomed as a long-term investment to benefit the Motueka community meeting the expected demand for recreational space and facilities.

In conjunction with property owner Kerry Krammer, we have come to a mutual agreement to allow our purchase of land encompassing 99, 111b and 113b King Edward Street.

A potential use of some of the land is the development of a swimming pool and recreational facilities.

Both parties acknowledge the land purchase is a significant step forward in a long-held desire to provide a community pool for Motueka, a concept that has been keenly advocated by local residents for more than 25 years.

Enabling something that will be of significant long-term value to the wider community was seen as important to Kerry Krammer in offering the land to the Council.

Further progress on the site’s future – including design, timeline and costs of development – will be subject to Tasman’s 10-Year Plan discussions and consultation with locals.

The Council deliberately moved away from areas in eastern Motueka that have been identified by Ministry for the Environment as being exposed to greater risk with sea level rise.

The purchased sites will be tenanted up to the point of any development taking place, therefore generating income in the interim.

Council has been in touch with the current tenants and a number of stakeholders to inform them of the purchase and anticipated plans.

This purchase was aided by the Motueka Community Board which approved funding through the Motueka Reserves Financial Contributions.

The Council will keep the community informed of any further developments in due course.

Year round heated and covered pools are much needed for use by all ages and all demographics; toddlers, learn to swim, school children, teenagers, active swimmers, recreational exercisers, families, accident and illness rehabilitation, healthy lifestylers, older actives. It will be one of the most used recreational facilities and be in use all day, seven days a week. Motueka is the largest town in the South Island without covered and heated pools.

The committee continues to work on a variety of fund-raising activities. This ranges from ongoing community fundraisers like Quiz and Movies Nights, connecting with external funders like Rata and Lotteries and of course there will still be sausage sizzles. Community support at these events and the feedback given bolsters the money in the bank and the enthusiasm of those working on the project. As a community lead project there is flexibility in how contributions can be made and recognised and any approach to assist will be appreciated.

Lions and Lionesses in Motueka have been key partners in the project with support and fundraising focussed on the therapeutic pool. With the inclusion in the LTP the local funds can be leveraged through the wider Lions international organisation.

The Motueka community has needed heated swimming facilities for years. Inclusion in the LTP brings this a step closer than before but work with TDC is necessary before we can finally begin construction. 

Browse the rest of this website and we will tell you more about how this will happen, and how you will be able help in this awesome and worthwhile project. In particular, we need your donation.

Donate Now

Please help us make this happen. There are two ways in which you could make a donation:

Givealittle website.  

This provides a safe donation facility, replying with a tax receipt. Useful for anything from small to large amounts, and especially for people without cheque books or who live in other parts of the world. Donate Now

Online Banking

You can make a payment via the standard internet banking network. Our bank account is with NBS, Motueka branch, number 03-1354-0360315-00. Please include a reference to the pool and your name.


  • Pool Project Advances Open or Close

    A new multi-pool facility located at Sports Park Motueka has been formally proposed through a submission to the Tasman District Council Long Term Plan.  Year round heated swimming will be available in a 25 m lane pool, an 8 m Therapeutic pool, a toddler’s pool and a spa Pool.  A step away from the original concept of enclosing the existing Motueka High School pool became necessary to meet funding requirements and has created the opportunity for a single new building and new pools.

    Key major funders Rata Foundation and Lottery Commission advised that while they see the tremendous local support there needs to be demonstrative regional support and the only way to do this is through the TDC contributing.

    This has meant a change in the pool site and design. Turning the existing Motueka High School pool into an indoor facility had been the focus.  School principal John Prestidge and his team helped draw up a Memorandum of Understanding and a lease agreement between Good Sports Motueka and the Ministry of Education.

    Unfortunately, this lease cannot now be ratified as the TDC is unable to assist with funding for projects on non-TDC land.

    We now plan to build a brand new pool complex on the adjacent Sports Park Motueka ground, which is a Council reserve. 

     "Our fundraising efforts came to a halt when the Virus arrived as did most other progress, but we've completed and submitted our request for regional funding to Tasman District Council’s Long Term plan," says the Motueka Community Pool Committee.

    Now that we are at Alert Level 1 we have had a meeting with the Motueka Community Board members who have documented their support as an input to the LTP process. Motueka Ward Councilors continue to assist the project with advice and support.

    As at June 2020 we have funds of $261,000 raised directly within the Motueka community. The Lions and Lioness Clubs are enthusiastic about these new developments and will be contributing $350,000 towards the therapeutic and spa pools.

     "We would like to thank everyone for their continued support. The pool fundraising group is feeling positive about the future and is very keen to see Motueka benefit from a facility such as the one we envisage."

  • Submission to the Tasman District Council Long Term Plan Open or Close
  • Fundraising to Date - August 2023 Open or Close

    The Motueka Community Swimming Pool committee has been fund raising through a host of activities, great support from other community groups, public donations, local businesses and the Lions and Lionesses will be funding the therapeutic pool.

    Activities have included:

    • Sausage sizzles - of course!
    • Movies Opening Nights – thanks Motueka State Cinema
    • Quiz nights – thanks Sprig and Fern
    • Car Rallies
    • High Street community shop
    • Raffles
    • Golf Tournament – thanks Motueka Golf Club
    • Kai Fest
    • Silent Auctions for great donated prizes
    • Health Beauty and Fitness

    There is now $244,061.90 on deposit with the bank and another $49,000 promised from local businesses to assist with construction. Major funders (Rata, Lotteries) have connected with our project. They understand the community need, appreciate the great local support but are looking for regional support before committing funds. We are talking with TDC on the form that this can take.

    We have a Givealittle page or contact our Treasurer Sue email or ph 027 544 3002. Good Sports Motueka is a registered Charity so all donations are eligible for a 33% tax rebate. In the mean time we continue sizzling sausages, BIG RAFFLE ticket sales, quiz and movie nights.

  • Partnerships Open or Close

    With this innovative project to use the existing Motueka High School Pool there are a number of key partnerships:

    Motueka Lions and Lionesses
    Lions and Lionesses have been great supporters and have committed to funding the Therapeutic and Spa pools to enhance the health and well being of our community.

    Motueka and Districts Swimming Club.
    The Swimming club are a key user of the pool through training sessions and ensuring the regular swimmers have good access.

    Tasman District Council.
    Tasman District Council are assisting with ensuring the projects financial plans are robust and working through how to contribute to the project and ongoing operations.

    THE MOTUEKA COMMUNITY. We love the support from the locals!

  • Therapeutic Pool Open or Close

    An 8 m heated therapeutic pool will included in the main pool building. This will be at 28-32 °C. Lions and Lionesses have seen the need for a year-round heated therapeutic pool and have agreed to fund this as part of their centennial community projects.

    Utilising modern insulated pool design and heat pump technology this will be a wonderful community asset and will be great for health and fitness activity across all age groups. The completed pools will be managed as one facility.

  • Design / Construction Open or Close

    Community swimming pool facilities across the South Island have been visited, construction companies consulted and many ideas from around the world canvassed. Keeping it achievable and ensuring it is viable for our community have been key elements. 

    Modern efficient heat pump technology will be utilised to heat the water and dehumidify/recover heat from the air. The roof design maximises the north facing area for photovoltaic electricity panels which will generate 1/3 of overall energy needs.

  • Useage Programme / Charges Open or Close


    This will be a community swimming pool based at Sports Park Motueka. Having a new facility will allow community use across the whole day. This will include  lane swimming early in the morning and throughout the day and access to the therapeutic pool at prime times for the varied users and uses. Activities such as Aqua Aerobics would be introduced as community demand makes this viable.

    Times for new sports to operate in the pools and the potential for specific events will be catered for.

    Entry charges are intended to reflect a community pool rather than the high costs of urban aquatic centres. $6 for adults and $3 for children is intended for the main pool.

  • What the Motueka community thinks ? Open or Close

    The Vision Motueka Development Trust conducted a month-long community consultation survey to gauge the views and aspirations of the Motueka community on how they can strengthen and grow their community.

    The main measuring tool was a 45-item survey conducted both online and on the street, which asked respondents to rate the 45 suggestions for improvements on a zero to five scale (zero being definitely No and five being strongly Yes). 

    One of those 45 items was: "Build a covered aquatic centre (swimming pool)". The survey (combined online and paper versions) was completed by 540 people, 96% of whom lived in Motueka or used Motueka as their hub for shopping and services. The statistical significance of the results are considered high. A rating of 0 meant they were against the proposal, and 5 meant strongly in favour. Respondents rated the question on the swimming pool thus:



    In addition, the Motueka 2030 programme engaged with the online public through a dedicated Facebook Group page. One of the questions asked of the group was: "How would a year-round pool in Motueka benefit the community and/or you yourself?" Following is a sample of the 26 responses: 

    "Yes, yes,  yes!! I've always been an advocate for getting a pool here, it would benefit all ages from babies through to the elderly. And even if you wouldn't use it yourself, I bet you know someone that would!! Being around so much water already I think the importance of teaching our kids to swim would be hugely beneficial and a year-round heated pool would be ideal. It's also the best kind of non-impact exercise you can do. Great for rehab from injury or operations and so much more! I'm all for the solar option too, use what nature provides this area in bucket loads!!" 

    " Swimming is one of the most beneficial sports, for everyone! and an essential skill for EVERY child to have, a swimming pool in Motueka would help the people with physical and mental difficulties , would help the people wanting to get fitter, would connect and reconnect people etc... Considering that our outdoor swimming months are not so long, i find it of extreme importance. Would be great to have a close by place to prepare our little ones to brave the waves and rapids during summer. It could actually save lives." 

    " An indoor pool although an expense to maintain would ensure that the locals and visitors can enjoy activity all year around - for our youth and our elders in particular where routine activity will have health benefits. It gives the opportunity for a number of water programmes to be run - at all levels, beginners, confidence builders to competitive swimming. How good would that be for our economy and the health and well being of our community? Less of a carbon footprint for all those groups and individuals who have to travel to Richmond for their water exercise all year round." 

    " This is definitely needed for young and old. It is a big attraction for families for fun and fitness- and water safety as well. It's one of the most important initiatives for Motueka!" 

    " It would be the best thing that could happen for Motueka. More people would want to live here because they could used a heated covered pool - instead of living in Richmond. Ours is an ageing population and a spa pool, wading pool and swimming pool would help so many people with aches pains, those who have had operations etc. Our competitive swimmers would not have to travel to train each day. Aqua jogging - another great exercise for all ages. It could also be of social benefit - it's amazing how much chat occurs in a swimming pool changing room." 

    " It would benefit my family a lot as I have a severe epileptic son who can't always use his legs so when he not using them he has very low muscle tone a heated pool would be great as he loves swimming and helps with his physical side also it will mean he doesn't have to travel to Mapua every week for a hour session. A heated pool in Motueka will mean not having to travel far and being able to spend longer in the pool and also more often as well." 

    " I think a heated swimming pool would be of huge benefit to both the old and young in the community. I also think it would be a huge benefit to local business in our town. How many families go swimming in Richmond and then go do their weekly grocery shop etc while there." 

    The statistical results, plus the commentary by typical residents, prove a strong desire for this facility and an expectation of  a great utility.

  • Benefits for Motueka Open or Close

    As well as providing a year-round fun and fitness opportunity for the whole community, the survey showed that in particular a pool would benefit:

    • our aging population - with hydrotherapy and exercise options
    • baby, toddler and children swim classes - increasing safety
    • young people for exercise and fun activity
    • people with disabilities, injuries and illnesses - therapy
    • tourists in the off-season or bad weather
    • sportspeople for swim training.

    Other benefits people saw was keeping local people in the local area and spending locally rather than having to travel to Richmond. There would also be savings in travel expenses, especially for those who train regularly at the Richmond aquatic centre.

  • Will the pool be heated? Open or Close

    Having new pools built specifically for this project will allow ALL pools to be heated to the right temperature for the target activities. Using modern heat pumps and photovoltaic electricity from the great Motueka sunshine helps to make this achievable.   

  • Will the pool be used on weekends and during school and statutory holidays? Open or Close

    Weekend and school holiday use is key to a community pool with time trialled to ascertain the demand for the pool's usage. It is important that long-term financial viability is maintained so that costs for poolside staff match the number of users at the various opening times.

  • How can I make a donation? Open or Close

    Givealittle website - This provides a safe donation facility, replying with a tax receipt. Useful for anything from small to large amounts, and especially for people without cheque books or who live in other parts of the world. Donate now

    Online banking - You can make a payment via the standard internet banking network. Our bank account is with NBS, Motueka branch, number 03-1354-0360315-00. Please include a reference to the pool and your name.

    Send a cheque - Post the cheque to Good Sports Motueka, PO Box 1, Motueka. Or contact the fundraising treasurer, Sue Clark, by emailing her

  • How will any donation I make be recognised? Open or Close

    We value every donation made to this project and endeavour to express our appreciation with a 'Thank You' letter or email.

    All donations of $100 or more will be acknowledged on donor boards which will be installed on the walls of the pool complex. There will be five categories of acknowledgements: Bronze - $100 to $499, Silver - $500 to $999, Gold - $1,000 to $4,999, Platinum - $5,000 to $9,999 and Diamond - $10,000 and upward. Note that all non-anonymous donors' details of more than $100 are being kept in case, for some unforeseen reason, a refund is needed.

  • How can you help? Open or Close

    The fundraising committee is seeking a good proportion of the money from national funding agencies.  Those agencies will be happy to be involved after seeing community efforts in getting part-way to the target. They are awaiting regional support from Tasman District Council.

    The committee is working toward this goal

    • requests for donations from local businesses and citizens
    • a broad variety of large and small fundraising events, raffles etc.
    • an online 'Givealittle' campaign for smaller donations by people, including locals who are living elsewhere in the world and want to support their 'home' town
    • donations from local construction and service businesses for work 'in kind' as part of the planning and construction stages to cut costs.

    Note that Good Sports Motueka is a registered charity, so all donations are eligible for a 33% tax rebate.

  • Committee Members Open or Close

    Committee Members:

    Fred Hickling President

    Daryl MacLean

    Sue Clark Treasurer / Event Organiser

    Kathy Lloyd

    Barry Dowler

    Ross Loveridge

    Maree Satherley